An auto-balancing robot that can track your face and follow you around a room
Elegoo kindly sent me a Tumbller self-balancing robot for my project. It’s easy to put together and comes with clear instructions. Fully assembled it looks like this.
The kit comes with all the parts you need to build a remote control or autonomous self-balancing robot.
The robot has a custom motherboard with a socket for the Arduino Nano and a Bluetooth module soldered on.
The robot uses various sensors to keep balance and measure its environment.
I wanted to add face tracking to the robot so it could follow a person around the house. I added an ESP32-CAM camera module, mounted with 3d printed parts and connected via cables to serial on the Arduino Nano on the Robot.
On the ESP32 I use the ESP-FACE libraries to first detect a face and then measure the distance and location of the face in the frame.
This data is then sent to the Arduino Nano which processes this data and controls the robots direction. I have previous face detection projects for the ESP32-CAM and I used the project as the basis.
ESP32-CAM Code
The height of a detected face is measured using the ESP32 face detection library and this is used to calculate the approximate distance to the face using the following formula:
int eq_top = 3.6 * 200 * 240; // f(mm) x real height(mm) x image height(px)
int eq_bottom = smoothed_face_height * 2.7; //object height(px) x sensor height(mm)
int face_distance = eq_top / eq_bottom;
eq_top is the focal length (f) of the ov2640 I’m using (3.6) multiplied by the real height (estimate) of a face (20mm) multiplied by the image height (240px) of the camera frame.
eq_bottom is the smoothed (averaged) detected face height – calculated by averaging the last 5 face height readings from the camera – multiplied by the physical size of the sensor (2.7mm)
eq_top is then divided by eq_bottom to get the distance of the person’s face from the camera. In testing over the serial monitor this worked quite well to get the distance
The data captured by the ESP32 is sent using a second serial connection on pins 2 and 14 to the Arduino Nano on the robot. The code for this looks like this:
Serial2.print('<'); // start marker
Serial2.print(','); // comma separator
Serial2.print(','); // comma separator
Serial2.println('>'); // end marker
face_center_pan is calculated the same way as the tutorial. face_center_tilt isn’t used for now in the project.
In the code repository on Github there are two Sketches for the ESP32. The esp32-wifi-version.ino sketch has extra code which enables viewing of the camera feed in a browser, including the green box around the face. This extra code reduces the frame rate and therefore the fluidity of the face capture. The robot is more responsive when the esp32-fast-version.ino sketch is used.
Arduino Nano Code
On the Arduino Nano the serial data is captured as a character array by the recvWithStartEndMarker() function. The received characters are then converted into variables and mapped to values by this code:
int result = sscanf(receivedChars, "%i,%i,%i", &pan, &tilt, &distance);
// face location on camera, mapped to turn
new_setting_turn_speed = map(pan, 0, 320, 40, -40);
// face distance, mapped to speed
new_setting_car_speed = map(distance, 10, 1200, -20, 20);
The further the face is from the centre of the frame, the faster the robot will turn and the greater the distance measured from the face, the faster the robot will move.
One problem with the robot is the distance from the face to the camera also includes a vertical distance. Increasing the height of the camera makes the robot less stable and therefore less able to capture faces.
The face recognition library and camera work really well but only in a limited distance range. It’s possible to increase the distance by reducing the minimum detected face size in the settings but this makes the detection slower and can make the robot less responsive.
This project can also be found on YouTube here:
Buy Me A Coffee
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Calculating Distance –
Arduino Smoothing –
Comma Separated Variables Over Serial –
Arduino Easing Library (potential future motor control improvement) –
Very nice work!
How hard would be to add a voice recognition module and a voice speech one?
Can we replace the bt module with a standard one and recreate an app to control it? Could we use a generic arduino remote controller app in that case?
I’m going to post my progress on this bot (my first one) here
If you want to use the ESP32 there’s this: but you have to pay for custom words. I’m pretty sure there are Arduino voice modules available. This might be helpful
I’ve not seen a text to speech for the ESP32 but you could play MP3s through a speaker:
I’ve not investigated but I think the BT module is standard.
The big problem with both the ESP32 and the robot is the lack of pins that are available.
I just started with arduino and co. so I’m a complete newbie but I’m not able to connect with the phone to the bot directly and I read the chipset is tied to the elegoo ble tool app (
Were you able to connect to it and use one of the standard arduino controller apps the play store is full of?
Can you also explain why you say the board misses the pins? How many esp32 is possible to connect to it? Which pins are actually usable?
The Tumbller is pretty complicated for a newbie to learn with. I’ve not tried with the Bluetooth. I had assumed you could use it like a normal bluetooth module but I don’t see a library for it in the software so maybe it is hardcoded somehow. I’m not sure why Elegoo would bother to do that though.
The Tumbler pins are nearly all connected to sensors etc so finding a spare one you can use might be hard. The ESP32-CAM has a few spare pins depending what you want to do with them.
I found this tutorial for speech and voice recognition
You think it can fit it?
You can use the results of the speech recognition to control the robot. For example if you say ‘left’ and the Duo recognises it (well the online service recognises it) you can then send the command via serial and then have the nano control the wheels to make it go left.
Hi. Good project. I tried to add this recognition too:
but it was impossible for me. You’ve tried?
It would be nice to add both projects.
Hi, The problem is the face detection runs with just about a fast enough frame rate to work for the robot tracking but face recognition is too slow. I have something else in the pipeline for this… subscribe to the newsletter (on the right) and you’ll get an email when it goes on the site.
okay. Generally I use this library: to be able to integrate it with the Web Viewer of the app inventor. But adapting face detection was impossible for me.
lib: W eb Se rv er . h
All images are gone in this page, can you repost them?
I wanted to see the pis you used for the new module
Looks like there was a problem with the cache. Can you see them now?
All ok now, but already found what I was looking for in your video
I am trying to play around with the tumbller and I wonder how you find the free pins which you could use for the esp32-cam in the first place? Can you please tell?
Hi, It talks over serial. I don’t remember which pins those are on the two boards but should be easy to find out.